
每一個引致疾病的因子功效各不相同,免疫病理雖然被研究得徹底,但臨床應用上,還是靠藥一棍子打下去,即使不是統統打沉,大概也像保齡球一樣,至少掃跌幾個。近年的熱門話題生物藥劑(biologicals)專攻打免疫系統Th-1和 Th-2的細節要害,是前人的夢想、零的突破,但是,牽一髮動全身,原來會引起很多一連串其他免疫問題,這也是始料不及的結果。免疫系統,她的名字叫輕慢不得。至於中醫,有人把蕁麻疹分成風寒、風熱、濕熱、血瘀等的類別,企圖想簡化規範,結果是作繭自纏,硬生生地把靈活善變的思維桎梏至死。

By Dr. LinkGi

撰文:寧智 (執業西醫)




讓你看看真正的跨海大橋 (13 公里長)!(加拿大

Confederation Bridge (Canada)

The Confederation Bridge is one

of the most challenging engineering projects ever built. Its design and construction were completed over 4 years by more than 2000 people. The final structure is massive. It is nearly 13 kilometers long - about the length of 117 football fields. It weighs almost 3.5 billion kilograms. If the average person weighs about 70 kilograms (155 lbs) the bridge is the equivalent of 50,000,000 people - more than one and a half times the population of Canada!

The Confederation Bridge actually consists of 65 separate sections which were each built on land and then moved into precise positions by a satellite-guided floating crane. It is designed to last for 100 years withstanding the driving winds and crushing ice of the Strait and even impacts with passing ships. At the same time the bridge was designed to have little environmental impact on the ecosystems within and surrounding the Strait. The Bridge Links the Canadian provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick together, as part of a promise during Confederation back in 1873, hence the name Confederation Bridge.


brid geroad way

winter bridge


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