信 心

我們的社會的階梯和考核大部分都建築在記憶的表現。考試成功,記憶佔的比重很多。有人說理科科目要思考,我可以說,理科科目,考的還是由記憶開始,生物的結構,化學的反應... ... 細想我的意思,你大概會同意。甚至,我搞藝術的朋友,他在藝術系裡成績彪炳,也是因為他有好的記性。彈過樂器的人會知道,音樂家的手指在琴鍵上飛舞,其實是一種反射的動作。需要把樂譜的音符背入腦袋,然後透過訓練培養神經反射。





若你覺得太抽象,那我用科學的語言說一次吧。如果我們相信記憶是用突觸(synapse) 儲存的,利用閘閥理論 (gate theory) 來理解信心,信心會是一個訊號,可以增強或減弱記憶。


By Dr. LinkGi

撰文:寧智 (執業西醫)




I believe in angels,
And I believe in fairies, too,
They're not one and the same, you know,
They are distinctly two.

Angels are within the heart,
Fairies ... in the mind,
Angels ... always there to care,
Fairies ... just sometimes.

Fairies like to tease and play,
They dance and entertain,
They tickle chins and noses,
Like bubbles in champagne.

Angels are more serious,
They do heavy-duty things,
Like easing fears and wiping tears,
And hugging with their wings.

Angels are assigned by God,
They very rarely show,
Fairies oft are seen in dreams,
And, at will, they come and go.

Fairies live in fantasies,
They are wee, tiny things,
They flit about erratically,
On dainty gossamer wings.

Angels, though, are very real,
They come in different sizes,
Large, medium, small, petite,
It's hard to recognize them.

Fairies make all people smile,
Young and old alike,
To see one in the morning dew,
Is a pure delight.

Angels, on the other hand,
May fill our eyes with tears;
We're overwhelmed with gratitude,
They've watched over us for years.

When we've been saved from trouble,
It's not coincidence,
God's placed angels in our path,
To stand up in our defense.

Fairies offer fun and frolic,
Both to small folk and full-grown,
But when people's lives are over,
It's angels that will take them home.

God's angels and earth's fairies,
I think are quite essential,
They surely are related,
For both are quintessential.


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